This month I have been working with the team at Baileys & Mother London again, but stepping up to produce a TVC for Spain. Following the same style that we have created for Baileys in our previous work, we set about creating a Spanish restaurant environment in a studio in East London.

The film showed four diners, playfully building a tower of brownies, chocolate, ice cream and Baileys! The end result looked delicious and it was great fun to work on.

Full credit to our hard working Baileys crew, full credits below:
Directed by James Lovick | jameslovick.co.uk
Director of Photography - Chris Fergusson | chrisfergusson.co.uk
Produced by Pia Ebrill
Prod Manager - Jade Almond
Edited by Ben Boullier | boutube.co.uk
Grade by Joseph Bicknell @ Cheat | cheatit.co
Art Dept - Lydia Brun | tattersall-love.com
Food Styling - Kelly Bowers | kellybowers.com
Focus - Eira Wyn Jones
Cam Asst - InĂªs Duarte
Production Company - Mother Studios
Agency - Mother London | motherlondon.com